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Minister of Youth/Benevolence - Anton Thery

Anton ministers to our youth.  He is also our treasurer and teaches an adult Life Group class.  He watches every penny that comes in and out of West Side and attempts to find ways to be better stewards of the Lord's money.  He and his wife Raven have three kids. They have a dog named Adri and a cat named KitKat.  In addition they have 18 koi in their three koi ponds.  Initially four of them had names until they popped out little fishies everywhere.  Now they have numbers.  


Anton has been with West Side since 2010.  He's a permanent student with degrees from 4 different universities and hoping to attend the 5th soon.  He is a Square Supervisor as a practicing archaeologist at Tall el-Hammam in Jordan, the proposed site of biblical Sodom.  In addition, he is an adjunct professor at Mid America Christian University teaching Old Testament, World Religions, and Christian Theology.  His major areas of interest are Apologetics and Biblical Archaeology.  He believes if young people are taught how to defend what they believe, they will survive the war of secularism. 

He is also the President and CEO of Champion Recruiting Inc.   



Sapulpa High School, 1999

Mid America Christian University, 2006 - B.S. Specialized Ministries

Oklahoma Christian University, 2012 - M.A. Christian Ministries

Luther Rice University, 2016 - M.A. Apologetics; M.A. Biblical Counseling

Trinity Southwest University, (pend) - M.A. Archaeology & Biblical History

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Umm Qais City Center

Umm Qais City Center

Perhaps the location of ancient Gadara where Jesus drove a legion of demons from a man into the swine.

Umm Qais Theatre

Umm Qais Theatre

The Roman theatre was the center for fun and entertainment. Umm Qias was one of the decapolis cities.

Mr. Camel

Mr. Camel

My buddy along the Dead Sea.

Movenpik Resort

Movenpik Resort

Overlooking the Dead Sea with Israel in the background

Roman Bathhouse

Roman Bathhouse

This is the Roman Bathhouse discovered at Tall el-Hammam (Sodom).



Perhaps Assyrian blackware dedicated to the Canaanite Ba'al.



Found in the ancient temple, this is likely Ba'al.

Socket Stone

Socket Stone

The door hinge was opened from a stone like this. It is called a socket stone.



The treasury of Petra, a marvelous and fascinating city.

Pottery "in situ"

Pottery "in situ"

Pottery found within the square is found "in situ" meaning "in place."

Rabbath Ammon

Rabbath Ammon

The theatre in Amman, Jordan at the ancient site of Rabbath Ammon, the capital of the Ammonite Kingdom.



A temple dedicated to Artemis who was one of the most venerated Ancient Greek deities.

Rabbath Ammon

Rabbath Ammon

Ancient Ammonite capital.

Madaba Map

Madaba Map

The oldest map in the world.

Madaba Map

Madaba Map

Another picture of the oldest map in the world.

Jerash Entrance

Jerash Entrance

Jerash was another of the Decapolis cities of Rome during Jesus' time.



Another picture of Jerash.

Jerash City Center

Jerash City Center

The Roman city center. This is the place of merchants and busy activity.

Jerash Theatre

Jerash Theatre

In virtually all Roman cities, one would find a theatre. They loved entertainment.

Dead Sea

Dead Sea

The salt formations on the edge of the Dead Sea.



"Edom" means "red."

Dividing Line

Dividing Line

This would be the territorial dividing line between Reuben and Gad.

Lot's Wife

Lot's Wife

This is a tourist destination. An urban legend of this being Lot's wife.

Bab edh Dhra

Bab edh Dhra

An incorrect proposed site for biblical Sodom.

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